Life = steak. Here’s why.

Have you ever had a steak that was so dry that you had to saw it – literally saw it – to get through it because it was so tough? No matter how much A1 or 57 Sauce you put on it, it’s still just dead and flavorless. That’s life as some people know it.
They have no idea they can send it back. Or they don’t want to, because they don’t want to offend anyone. Or raise a stink.
You, on the other hand, are done with tough, dry and flavorless. You are done with feeling stuck after doing everything you were “supposed” to do. It’s time for a do-over. Time to order up a life that’s so juicy, you want to cry.
You’ve had a steak like that, right? The seasoning was perfecto. It was so tender that you barely needed a knife. Each bite was heaven on your tongue. When you finished, you sat back, took a deep breath and let a smile spread across your face. As soon as you leave, you want to tell everyone you know about it.
That’s what we’re after here.
So how the hell do you accomplish that? How, how, how?
Oh, I’m so glad you asked! You get turned on to a juicy life by learning how to stop slathering your mental and emotional sauce all over some dry reality someone else made up. You start making your own juicy deliciousness of a life with the ingredients that are already inside of you.
You will have to unlearn a lot of conditioning that you’ve absorbed over the years and marinate in a whole new possibility.
Not by just “thinking positive,” or wishing, but by acting out of a greater idea for your life through a specific plan that will cause a deliberate change in your mentality.
That’s where I come in.

Who am I?
I’m a no-nonsense lady who is deeply passionate about not wasting precious life energy with things that don’t bring us joy.
I’m a wife and mom of two. I’m an entrepreneur with an educational background in business, fitness, nutrition and metaphysics. I’ve been featured in US Today, Heart & Soul Magazine and the Atlanta Tribune.
I like nachos with no cheese (don’t judge me), learning new languages (Bonjour mon aime) and the Matrix movie series. I have found my bliss in sharing transformative information with the world by becoming an author, coach, maker, world-schooler, and traveler.
I’ve tried my share of mental A-1 Sauce. I did everything I was told I “should” do and still found myself unhappy and unfulfilled. Despite what I was told in school and by well-meaning guides along the way, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there must be more to life than to graduate, get a job, get married, have 2.5 kids…well, you know the rest.
I didn’t know there was another way.
So I began a mental, spiritual, and emotional journey that showed me how different life could be if I expanded what I believed was possible. I came to realize that the wisdom I sought was already in me. I just didn’t know how to access it.
If you’ve ever had thoughts like these, you’re in the right place.
I wish I could hit the reset button.
If I knew then what I know now, I would have done so many things differently.
I’ve done everything I was “supposed” to do, and THIS is where I am?
How did I get here?